Who are we ?

Our vision

Masons Hospitality is an online accommodation booking platform dedicated to the Freemason community and their loved ones. Book your trips on Masons Hospitality, wherever you are in the world. Offer all your available accommodation on the platform to welcome our brothers and sisters.

You are invited to bring our chain of union to life by sharing warm travel experiences in complete confidence. Become a traveller and try your hand at hosting on Masons Hospitality!

Do you have accommodation available? Offer it now on your platform!

Become a host by clicking here

At Masons Hospitality, book your accommodations for all your trips.

Become a traveller by clicking here

Giving back and strengthening fraternity

In Paris, where I lived, I met many brothers who sometimes came from very far away to visit my obedience and the capital. I was surprised that so many of them expressed regret that they had not been able to visit Paris on the basis of sound advice, and that they had not stayed with a brother or sister, thanks to whom their stay would have been one of sharing and brotherhood.

Olivier D. Olivier Debarre is a brother in the international mixed Masonic Order "le Droit Humain".
He was a Freemason for almost 10 years at the Grande Loge Nationale Française.

I wondered what tool could be put in place to strengthen hospitality in our chain of union. The idea of a website came to my mind. I shared it with many brothers and sisters, from different obediences and different countries, who welcomed it enthusiastically. Because our values have a place in secular life, this site also allows the family and close friends of each registered Freemason to benefit from it (under their responsibility). This extension to third parties was chosen following several exchanges with brothers and sisters who expressed the wish that this platform be used beyond lodge visits, for hosting children studying away from home or for shared family holidays, for example.
Thanks to their many wise suggestions, Masons Hospitality was created. I would like to extend my warmest thanks to my brothers and sisters, who will recognise each other. I would also like to thank them for their moral and financial support.
Thanks to them, Masons Hospitality is, for us and our loved ones, the practical digital tool that facilitates travel between freemasons.

Travelling with Masons Hospitality

Masons Hospitality aims to promote Masonic tourism, tourist experiences and the transmission of knowledge around symbolic places steeped in history, closely or distantly linked to our order.

Your brothers and sisters, from France and all countries where Freemasonry is present, can book your accommodation online, for their travels.

As a host, Masons Hospitality gives you the opportunity to welcome them by renting them a room, a chambre d'hôte, or one of your residences.

With Masons Hospitality, you can organise events with your lodge, plan your personal or business trips in total security, and experience them alone or with your loved ones.

Altruism, fraternity, conviviality, transmission, sharing and the quest for progress are all values that bring us together and may encourage you to become a guest and travel with Masons Hospitality.

Masons Hospitality warmly thanks you for bringing hospitality to life within our community.

Strengthening our logistics links

Establishing relationships based on openness to others, to the world, and benevolence is part of the DNA of Freemasonry, which aims to bring together what is scattered. Historian Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire* reminds us of the universal values of Freemasonry. Its purpose is to bring together all the brothers scattered around the world and to revive logistical links between Freemasons. These links were central to the concerns of Freemasons in the eighteenth century, who fostered fraternal sociability.

The aim of Masons Hospitality is to strengthen the fraternity between Freemasons and to update our existing logistical links. It invites you to live and share a great virtue of our Order: hospitality.

Historian Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire* reminds us of the universal values of Freemasonry. Its purpose is to bring together all the brothers scattered around the world and to revive logistical links between Freemasons. These links were central to the concerns of Freemasons in the eighteenth century, who fostered fraternal sociability.The aim of Masons Hospitality is to strengthen the fraternity between Freemasons and to update our existing logistical links. It invites you to live and share a great virtue of our Order: hospitality. * Beaurepaire Pierre-Yves. L'Europe des Lumières maçonniques : construction, réseaux et représentations. In: L'Europe à la recherche de son identité. Proceedings of the 125th National Congress of Historical and Scientific Societies, "Europe", Lille, 2000. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 2002. pp. 305-316. (Proceedings of the National Congress of Learned Societies, 125).

Plan your trips and those of your family and friends

Masons Hospitality offers you a digital tool that allows you to travel both personally and as part of your Masonic duties.

You can travel :

  • alone
  • with members of your lodge
  • with friends and family

You can even make reservations for your loved ones, without accompanying them.

Children may have to go on training courses or study away from home. Sometimes not all members of the family can go on holiday at the same time, etc. There are many situations in which our loved ones may have to travel without us. Knowing that they will be hosted by brothers and sisters who share your values and with whom you can connect can be reassuring.

In the case of a reservation for your loved ones, you are responsible for the reservation as a Freemason.

Bringing our values to life

Among the values widespread in Freemasonry are culture and transmission. Masons Hospitality aims to bring people together and share knowledge, so that it can circulate. Many places steeped in history can be visited thanks to the knowledge of our brothers and sisters, who will welcome you and help you discover them with pleasure.

Masons Hospitality encourages you to share and enjoy your travel experiences, over and above the accommodation on offer.

Connecting Freemasons around the world

The Masons Hospitality logo has been designed by our brother Jean-Luc Leguay. He is a master illuminator and and gives us some ideas to ponder on its symbolism. The bird, the dove of peace, descends like the Divine Word to unite Freemasons. The bridge links Freemasons together.
The bridge links them together. Love knotted rope crown the circle symbolising the chain of union, in a celestial blue.
The bridge is supported by six pillars and five doors representing the five journeys of the journeyman, the five orders of architecture that support the Freemasons' temple or the five pillars of wisdom.
The six pillars refer to the sixth day of creation in Genesis. The number of man. On a luminous golden background, the three “T”s represent the triple Tau; the three mystical and metaphysical tables that intersect with three five-pointed stars, in the image of the compass and the square.
On a luminous golden background, the three 'T 's representing the triple Tau; the three mystical and metaphysical tables that intersect with three five-pointed stars, in the image of the compass and square.

logo Masons Hospitality Masons Hospitality's logo

Jean-Luc Leguay Jean-Luc Leguay

Jean-Luc Leguay Jean-Luc Leguay and his illumination "Eleven Beatus" at Rockefeller Center in New York.

Jean-Luc Leguay is one of the last regular master illuminators. He teaches traditional illumination at the “Centre International des Traditions de l'Image de Lumière” (CITIL), at the French playing card museum in Issy-Les-Moulineaux, near Paris.


Many brothers and sisters in France and abroad have actively contributed to the creation of this website through their ideas, their skills, their moral support and their financial backing. Our warmest thanks go to all of them. This site would not exist without them.

Anaëlle C. Anaëlle C.

Anaëlle C. is a member of the Grande Loge Féminine de France. She brings her professional experience and communication skills to Masons Hospitality. In particular, she helped to design the texts and user interface for this site.

Special thanks to

  • Alexis B.
  • Anita F.
  • Antoine C.
  • Aurélien L. C.
  • Baptiste Q.
  • Bastien A.
  • Bénédicte R.
  • Bruno O.
  • Catherine D.
  • Clément O.
  • Cyril L. G.
  • Etienne D.
  • Florian B.
  • Franck N.
  • Gonzague B.
  • Jean-Michel D.
  • Jean-Joseph et Fabienne C.
  • Maud L. M.
  • Maryvonne B.
  • Maxime T.
  • Michèle M.-T.
  • Michèle et Michel G.
  • Philippe G.
  • Rodolphe H.
  • Solène D.
  • Solène K.
  • Tite Z.
  • Thierry P.
  • Thomas B.
  • Yves B.